Want to get free Docker Hosting? But what is Docker Hosting?

Let us know first about Docker Hosting.

Docker host is a physical system like a computer or a virtual machine that runs Linux. This can be your laptop, a server, or maybe a virtual machine in your data center, or it can be a computing resource provided by a cloud provider. There is a component on the host, Docker Daemon, that does both building and running containers.

Then another question arises, what is a Host or Container Host?

So, the answer is, the host os is an operating system on which the docker client or docker domain runs. The Host OS shares its kernel with running docker containers, in the case of Linux and Non-Hyper-V.


How does Docker work?

Docker is a popular open-source project. This project is written in go and developed by DotCloud, which is a PasS company. Docker is a container engine that uses Linux features. Such as control groups and namespaces to create containers on the top of an operating system.

What is the purpose of Docker?

As said, Docker is an open-source container platform. The basic purpose of Docker is that it allows the developer to package applications into containers. Docker standardized components that can be executable combine application source code with all the operating systems libraries and depend on running the code in any environment.

Where are the Docker containers Hosted?

The heaviest contents hosted in Docker are images. Your Docker images will be stored in var/lib/docker/overlay2 if you use the default storage driver overlay2.

There you can see different files. One represents read-only layers of a Docker image, and another is a layer on top of it that contains your changes.

An open-source tool to build and manage containers:

Docker lets you create a virtualized sandbox as well as run and deploy the software called containers. It can create and use images brought from a container registry; then, it builds the environment for code, libraries, system settings, and many more. You can use Docker to ready-to-go containers for many popular applications. And no need to worry about dependencies. The containers are flexible enough that they can run services in their separate environment. Also, can wrap entire application and their dependencies in virtualized and containers that can be shared. Setting up Docker in your Linode is so easy. You can push the button to start running Docker, which is a One-click app.

How to get started after deployment:

Your Docker is now installed, and you can use it now. Here below, we provided steps to start after deployment. I hope it will be helpful to you.

After finishing the install, you can now access Docker from the SSH console with your Linode’s IPv4 address.

  • SSH into your Linode
  • Create a limited user account. Log out and again login into your limited user account.
  • Install the unzip package from the package manager
  • Download the unzipped project and unzip it.
  • Move it into the unzipped project directory.
  • Build the image with the command
  • Start a container with your image.
  • Go to your application in the browser, replacing the IP address with your Linode’s public IP.

Here are some of the best Docker Hosting Platforms:

There are several platforms for Docker Hosting. Some are paid, and some are free. So, here you go for the best Docker Hosting platform:



It is a multi closer Docker Hosting Platform.

This can host multiple tools, applications, and frameworks.

For example, It can host Docker, Kubernetes, Java, Ruby, Python, Javascript, Go, etc.

It can combine platforms as a service/PaaS and container as a service/CaaS.



Stackpath is known as CDN.

Also known as a cloud-based security platform.

They introduced the edge computer after some time. That lets you deploy the container at the edge.

This is a fast, simple as well as secure platform.

You can easily launch multiple Docker Containers just within a few seconds with the help of

This is one of the best Docker Hosting platforms and doing the work within a fraction of seconds.

The project is defined in a JSON file.

Microsoft Azure:

Microsoft Azure

This platform provides the service to host Docker containers within the platform.

Also, this is the second biggest cloud service provider.

Azure keeps an eye proactively on the performance of the Docker hosting container and also the availability.



This is one of the UK’s first companies which provide a Docker Hosting container platform and service.

A supportive UK team will always be available for you to solve your problems and queries.

If you are a UK citizen, it is the best option to choose the Docker Hosting platform.

Amazon ECS:

Amazon ECS

Amazon Elastic Container Service.

This is one of the best Docker hosting container platforms.

It deploys and manages Docker containers with the help of AWS Fargate.

It uses other AWS services. For example, AWS CloudWatch for monitoring, AWS ELB for load balancing, etc.

A2 Hosting:

A2 Hosting

This one is one of the most popular WordPress and shared hosting platforms.

This A2 Hosting platform is very developer-friendly.

It gives you complete access to any environment.

You have to pay only for the resources you need.

Google Cloud Run:

Google Cloud Run

In GCP, cloud run is a serverless managed-to-compute platform.

In this platform, you can host and run docker containers.

It abstracts all the complex abilities so that you can focus on building your application on this platform.



In this platform, the pricing is excellent.

It provides a cloud server that hosts, manages, and also monitors applications.

There is no need to maintain hardware in this platform.

The scaling up and down is so fast.



This is just a one-click deploy platform.

You will be able to manage your application through their web panel or API on this platform.

So, here you go, so many Docker Hosting Container Platforms. You can choose and go through it. We also gave detail about Docker, Hosting, and Container, that keeps you updated about Docker Hosting.

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