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Linux Mint is one of the most polished and beautiful operating systems. As more humans reject Windows 10, Mint becomes a desirable alternative. It looks apart, and it’s for a stable and reliable Linux distribution, too- it affords an overall remarkable user enjoyment.
Unfortunately, the extraordinary looks of the Linux Mint working gadget do not carry over to its website. I’m attempting to mention that the Linux Mint website is ugly and outdated. That won’t be counted as a good deal in the grand scheme of things, but it can be a turnoff to new customers.
Thankfully, the Mint Team is planning a website redesign and a refreshed brand. Rather than redecorating the website, the crew has decided to buy a pre-made design.
“We’re working on a brand new layout for our essential website. When the contemporary design (and logo) were designed initially, they carried a strong identity, and we grew quite connected to them. For some time now, we have been hoping to get a new, unique layout that would appear contemporary but still carry that equal feel, which became very difficult to acquire. In the interim, we stayed with something that changed into something caught within the beyond and doesn’t print properly today. We’ve heard many people ask why our website looks so vintage, and I assume it’s time we do something about that,” says Clement Lefebvre, Linux Mint chief.
Lefebvre also says, “The major landing web page has an excellent format, without a sidebar, less textual content and more distinguishing factors to introduce what Linux Mint is and gift its essential capabilities. We’re focusing on the header bar and the sponsor’s section. The header bar needs to acquire a heritage or a texture to make it more minty and give the website another identity. Its navigation menu will also be centered and located underneath the title to permit for a bigger brand.”
Speaking of the brand new emblem, Clem gives the following issues with the modern logo.
It doesn’t minimize well. When small (for instance, for a favicon or an application menu brand), its design is too sophisticated to be rendered well in a confined wide variety of pixels.
It looks off-center because of its non-symmetrical border, with space on the left and none on the right.
As you can see from the screenshot above, the new website design is rarely modern. Quite frankly, I could say it as a substitute dull with far an excessive amount of white space. And maybe that is excellent — it doesn’t need to be the most stunning website on the internet. Still, if you are going to do something, why not do it in the first-class manner possible?
In my humble opinion, the new emblem is likewise a piece of a stumble. I suppose I imply that it’s high-quality, but it appears a chunk like a peculiar three-fingered fist. It’s purposeful and passable. However, I think the Linux Mint developers are capable of doing more. In other words, my criticism ought to be taken as praise.
My opinion is rarely the only one that matters, but I would love to hear from you, pricey BetaNews readers, what you think about the following Linux Mint website and emblem modifications. Are they properly horrific or average and uninspired? Would you please pontificate in the comments below?