Social Media Ethics, Yoga Part Of UGC’s “Life Skills” Curriculum

New Delhi: Ethics and etiquettes of social media, using Google search better, yoga and pranayama, and resume writing are part of the “lifestyles skills” curriculum evolved by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

The fee had lately released “Jeevan Kaushal,” a lifestyles talents program inside the curriculum for underneath-graduate guides throughout us of a. The program, which consists of 8 credit score factors, may be accommodated in any semester and aims to inculcate students’ emotional and intellectual abilities and expand verbal and non-verbal verbal exchange abilties.

“Today, when we speak approximately writing capabilities and communique competencies, we cannot forget about writing on social media. Social media websites are a terrific medium to attach; however, students need to know the benefits and disadvantages. “There must be some ethics and etiquettes of social media, and the curriculum will educate them the same. There is also a module on how to use Google search higher,” a senior UGC legit said.

Social Media Ethics, Yoga Part Of UGC's "Life Skills" Curriculum 1

The reliable frequently said college students now do not understand the difference between curriculum vitae (CV), resume, and bio-information. Writing a great resume is also the ability of a lifestyle which every pupil ought to analyze before getting into the expert international. “What will learners advantage if they exercise love and compassion? What will they lose if they do not? What listening competencies must one exercise as a group member, and how unique do they have to be as a group leader? All these abilities the scholars ought to learn in, ” the official stated.

Personal skills like empathizing and trusting colleagues for improving interpersonal relations, projecting a good private photo to have a nice effect on one’s profession, networking, and negotiation skills except for non-public and professional ethical codes of behavior are a part of the curriculum.

The curriculum has 3 electives– crucial man or women, yoga and pranayama, and gratitude. While the primary elective talks about the duty to self, parents, and society except for a module on residing with others with their attractiveness, the module on gratitude is set obligation versus rights. “The module on yoga talks about the difference between yoga and pranayama and their inter-relatedness. What have to be the asanas done earlier than an examination or a presentation? All these items are indexed within the curriculum,” the official stated.

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